in Europe
A paragraph explaining what a TA is A paragraph explaining what a TA is A paragraph explaining what a TA is A paragraph explaining what a TA is A paragraph explaining what a TA is A paragraph explaining what a TA is A paragraph explaining what a TA is A paragraph explaining what a TA is A paragraph explaining what a TA is A paragraph explaining what a TA is A paragraph explaining what a TA is A paragraph explaining what a TA is A paragraph explaining what a TA is A paragraph explaining what a TA is A paragraph explaining what a TA is A paragraph explaining what a TA is A paragraph explaining what a TA is A paragraph explaining what a TA is
Countries with Transparency Agreements
By signing up to a national Transparency Agreement, the signatories agree to four commitments:
Speak with clarity about when, how and why animals are used in investigation.
Provide adequate information to the media and the general public about the conditions under which research using animals is carried out and the results obtained from them.
Develop initiatives that generate greater knowledge and understanding in society about the use of animals in scientific research.
Report annually on progress and share experiences.