for the media
The EARA media team is happy to arrange interview requests to speak with academic experts in the relevant biomedical field. We can also provide images, graphics and video links to learn more about animal research.
EARA produces #TransparencyThursday - a series of videos that interviews researchers about their work using animals.
EARA's #LetsTalkSciComm video series asks questions of the leading science communicators around the world, inviting them to share their stories and advice on how best to communicate about science and animal research in particular.
EARA on Social Media
On X, LinkedIn, Instagram and Facebook we post news from around Europe and the rest of the world, about the latest research using animals, on alternatives to animal research, policy developments and ethical issues.
EARA has X accounts in the following countries:


EARA Media Team
Contact the EARA media team on tel: 00 44 (0) 20 3675 1238
Bob Tolliday EARA Communications & Media Manager
m: 00 44 (0) 77 1552 5535
For further background information on animal research go to the About Animal Research section of the EARA website.