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EARA Privacy Policy


We will not share your personal information with anyone and you can unsubscribe from our communications at any time.




This privacy notice sets out how EARA uses and protects all personal data you provide us. We are committed to protecting your privacy and we want you to be assured that your data is managed properly. Any personal data you provide to us will be used lawfully and in accordance with this privacy notice, and our privacy policy.


We respect all personal data you choose to share with us, including that which we may obtain from other sources, and we will ensure it is stored safely and processed fairly and lawfully in accordance with the requirements of the Data Protection Act (1998) and the General Data Protection Regulation (from May 2018). [Referred to as DPA/GDPR in this notice].


We aim to be clear when we collect your data, (and throughout your involvement with EARA), about how we intend to use it, and will not do anything with your personal data that you wouldn’t reasonably expect as a scientist, press contact, or other stakeholder.


Developing a good relationship and better understanding of our members and contacts through correct and legal use of your personal data to help ensure accurate communications on biomedical animal research using animals and achieve the objectives of EARA. We aim to track your involvement with EARA and build strong mutually respectful relationships that last.


We have already made, and will continue to make, improvements to this notice so that it reflects a best-practice model, in order to make it fully understandable to all our supporters and contacts.


To comply with GDPR, we categorised the people that we work with and we’ve listed below what data we hold and collect and why. We also collect data on employees and event attendees.


Scientist contacts
We class scientists as those individuals on our main CRM database, including scientists, experts and contacts. We hold your data under specific, explicit and recorded consent, which can be withdrawn or changed at any time.


We collect the following information:


  • Name and title

  • Contact details such as email addresses, home addresses and telephone number

  • Biographical details of your career, or area of expertise

  • The name and contact details of your institution, organisation, or place of work

  • Records of expert responses you give to us about science stories in the news or press briefings you’ve spoken at

  • Records of email conversations between you and members of staff of EARA


​This information will initially be provided by you at the point of consent, and may also include any additional publically available information. As you continue to work with EARA, your record will be updated to reflect the projects that you’ve worked on with us.

We might email or call you to ask for comments on a breaking story, on a study yet to be published or to appear on a press briefing panel or ask for your thoughts on some of the media coverage within your area of expertise.


We do not pass your data onto anyone else without your consent. For example, if you are willing to talk to a journalist on a breaking news story, in each instance, we will always confirm with you before passing on your contact details.


The consent given is valid until February 2023, before which, all scientists on the database will be asked to renew consent to the holding and processing of their data.


Press and other contacts
We class press contacts as the journalists, press officers and those working within science communications with an interest in the biomedical research sector.


We hold your data under legitimate interest as we view interaction between EARA and our press contacts as a core element of our objectives and mission, and thus a necessary component of the professional activity of both parties. You can at any time object to the holding or processing of your data.  If you do, we will remove you from our database.


We collect the following information:

  • Name and title

  • Contact details such as email addresses, home addresses and telephone numbers

  • The name and contact details of your institution, organisation, or place of work

  • This information will initially be provided by you but may also include any additional publicly available information.

  • We use this information so that we can communicate the views of EARA and the biomedical research sector, send news stories, and receive research output from the press offices of organisations and institutions.


We process your data in the following ways:

  • The EARA database

  • EARA mailing lists


Please note that more than one of the categories may apply to you.




When you visit our website, we use cookies to automatically collect information about the website or links that referred you to us, your IP address, browser type, language and access times (Technical Data).

We also collect navigational information related to the pages visited on our website including viewed pages, clicked links and other actions taken in connection with the site (Usage Data).

We collect this data and analyse this data using Google Analytics.


If you have any questions about which category applies to you – please get in touch via

London Office


3.04 LABS Atrium, The Stables Market,

Chalk Farm Rd

London NW1 8AH
Tel: +44 (0)20 3355 3095

Brussels Office


Spaces European District

Rue Belliard

401040 Brussels,


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European Animal Research Association

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