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News from EARA
This page contains all the news outputs from EARA, including press releases and videos, EARA policy and news briefings, plus opinion pieces and significant media articles.
Other pages in this section explain more about EARA on social media and practical information for journalists.

Gege Li
Nov 27, 20231 min read
Cancer treatment for golden retrievers?
A gene in dogs linked to increased lifespan may also lead to cancer treatments for humans and animals. US researchers, at the University...

The European Animal Research Association
Nov 17, 20234 min read
Is 'Rat Trap' a fair summary of why we use animals in research?
n her new book, author Pandora Pound sets out why the scientifically accepted justification for using animals in biomedical research is...

Gege Li
Nov 13, 20231 min read
EARA Q&A – the care & welfare of mice used in breast cancer research
The latest episode of EARA’s #TransparencyThursday series has featured Alexandra Gkrouzoudi, a vet and the animal facility manager at...

Gege Li
Oct 30, 20231 min read
Eurogroup breast cancer misinformation slammed
EARA has responded to false claims by an activist group that animal studies have ‘a lack of relevance’ in cancer research. On the recent...

Gege Li
Oct 30, 20231 min read
Reducing animal use in lung cancer research
Researchers in Norway have found a way to improve a non-animal method to study lung cancer, which reduces the numbers of animals needed...

Gege Li
Oct 9, 20231 min read
Dutch institute hails use of animals in cancer research
EARA member the Netherlands Cancer Institute (NKI) has celebrated the 10th anniversary of its animal facility with a symposium...

Gege Li
Sep 25, 20231 min read
Awards recognise research using animals
This year’s prestigious Lasker Awards include scientists who have used animals as part of their research into cancer and eye diseases....

Gege Li
Sep 11, 20231 min read
Bladder cancer insights from cats & dogs
Studies on pet cats and dogs, with natural bladder cancer, have revealed important gene mutations, shared with humans which may lead to...

Gege Li
Jul 17, 20231 min read
The link between blood cancer and ageing
Using mice, scientists have uncovered how accelerated ageing in blood cells can lead to an increased risk of blood cancer. Ageing is a...

Bob Tolliday
Jul 10, 20231 min read
Zebrafish insights into rare disease linked to cancer
UK researchers have discovered a potential treatment for a rare genetic bone marrow disorder linked to blood cancers. GATA2 deficiency is...

Gege Li
May 29, 20231 min read
EARA feature – Animals in cancer studies
EARA has published a new feature article looking at the use of animals in cancer research, and the breakthroughs in understanding and...

Gege Li
May 29, 20231 min read
‘Striking’ gel to treat brain tumours
A gel, that can kill hard-to-reach cancer cells, has successfully cured mice of an aggressive type of brain tumour, giving hope it could...

Gege Li
May 22, 20231 min read
Insights into weight loss in cancer patients
Using mice and human tissues, researchers have identified a possible way to stop, or slow down, a common wasting syndrome in cancer...

Gege Li
Apr 24, 20231 min read
Implant targets pancreatic tumours
A tiny implantable device can deliver cancer treatment directly to tumours to stop their growth, a new study in mice has shown....

Gege Li
Apr 3, 20231 min read
Animal studies in new cancer treatment
A cancer drug, first tested in mice, has successfully stopped the growth of cancer in patients with untreatable conditions. The drug...

Gege Li
Feb 20, 20231 min read
EARA video on cancer research studies
The latest episode of EARA’s #TransparencyThursday Instagram series features Dr Tommaso Virgilio, a cancer researcher at the Institute...

Gege Li
Feb 6, 20231 min read
New cancer treatment for dogs
A new type of cancer treatment for dogs has been used to treat and cure the disease. Using pet dogs with an existing cancer, researchers...

Gege Li
Jan 30, 20231 min read
Human throat cells & cancer in mice
A mutation in the throat cells of middle-aged people appears to reduce cancer of the oesophagus in mice, according to new research. A...

Gege Li
Dec 21, 20221 min read
Treatment tackles 'incurable' leukaemia
An experimental drug – originally developed using animal studies – has cleared a UK teenager of her cancer, when standard treatments have...

Gege Li
Dec 21, 20221 min read
Animal studies & skin cancer treatment
A treatment, which makes use of a patient’s own immune system, has shown promising results against an aggressive type of skin cancer. In...
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