Reducing mice use with ultrasound
News from EARA
This page contains all the news outputs from EARA, including press releases and videos, EARA policy and news briefings, plus opinion pieces and significant media articles.
Other pages in this section explain more about EARA on social media and practical information for journalists.
Treating bowel disease using caterpillars
Stress-free mice weighing with computer vision
Sheep studies on new biomaterials
Swiss 3Rs centre announces annual awardees
Rehoming lab rats in New Zealand
5% of animal studies lead to human treatments – failure or success?
Scicomm awards for animal research
Lab-grown lungs in toxicology testing?
Swiss university hub to improve research animal welfare
Call to take part in animal care survey
EARA Participation at the 2nd CAM Conference
Reducing animal use through reuse
Mini-experiments could reduce animal use