The first ART awards event, hosted by Animal Research Tomorrow, was held last week to recognise innovative projects by early career scientists in the 3Rs and communication.
The Scicomm awards went to:
- Miguel Gandra, of the Algarve Centre of Marine Sciences, Portugal, who uses digital media and underwater photography to explain his work studying sharks to a wider audience.
- Francesca Lanzarini, a neuroscientist at the University of Parma, Italy, whose podcast How Animals’ Brain Works interviews researchers working with different species of animals.
- Charlotte Rosher, of the Champalimaud Foundation, Portugal, who has an art project, Science on the Walls, which takes teenagers to research labs and then encourages them to convert the science into street art.
The 3Rs (Replace, Reduce, Refine) awards went to:
- Estrela Neto, of EARA member i3S University of Porto, Portugal, who is developing organ-on-a-chip systems to study bone cancer in order to reduce and replace the use of animals in research.
- Patrick Reinhardt is a researcher in Germany, who has developed a system of testing for rodents that allows them to have access to their home cage, thereby improving animal welfare.
ART is an international grassroots NGO of biomedical and animal welfare researchers dedicated to advocating ethically responsible animal research.