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Mice in kidney disease

Researchers at EARA member the University of Padova, Italy, have found a potential target for early treatment of kidney inflammation caused by lupus.

Lupus - an autoimmune disease - occurs when the body’s immune system attacks its own tissues and organs. One of the most sever organ manifestations of this condition is lupus nephritis, a type of kidney disease that could lead to kidney failure.

The team used mice to understand the role of Pentraxin3 (PTX3) – a molecule known to be unbalanced in human lupus.

They found that mice immunised with PTX3 developed a protective immunity, preventing them from developing overt lupus nephritis, and improving overall survival.

“Animal research allows us to make crucial advances when dealing with rarer conditions in which targeted treatments - instead of lifelong dependence on drugs - are paramount for a better outcome in terms of both survival and the quality of life of our patients.”

Mariele Gatto, MD, PhD, Unit of Rheumatology, Padova University

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