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Be Open About Animal Research Day 2021 - live events

To celebrate Be Open About Animal Research Day 2021 (#BOARD21), institutions in Brazil and Spain organised live events, to talk about their openess and transparency, to audiences.

Brazil | Sociedade Brasileira de Ciência em Animais de Laboratório (SBCAL) | YouTube live streaming event to talk about the role of animal models for drug development "Estudos não clínicos necessários ao desenvolvimento de medicamentos" (Portuguese)

Brazil | Biological Models Research and Technology (BMRT) | YouTube live streaming to release a new science magazine focused on animal models of research "Pré-Lançamento da Biological Models Research and Technology" (Portuguese)

Spain | University of Santiago de Compostela (USC) | Live event promoted by University of Santiago de Compostela and the Experimental Biomedicine Centre to talk openly about the use of animals in research "Jornada sobre transparencia en la experimentación animal USC"

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