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Be Open About Animal Research Day 2021 - videos & live streamed interviews

To celebrate Be Open About Animal Research Day 2021 (#BOARD21), institutions in Belgium, Brazil, Germany, Greece, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Spain and the USA produced YouTube videos, and live-streamed Instagram interviews, to talk about their openess and transparency.

Table: List of videos published on YouTube to support #BOARD21.

Belgium | FENS | Video by CARE, the FENS Committee on the responsible use of animals in research about the methods that scientists use to study the brain

Brazil | FESSACAL | Get to know the Federación de Sociedades Sudamericana de Ciencia en Animales de Laboratorio during #BOARD21

Brazil | Reproduction Biology Center Brazil | Video highlighting their work, celebrating open communication about animal research for #BOARD21

Germany | MDC | The MDC’s Preclinical Research Center shows the best conditions for necessary animal research in medical research

Portugal | iCBR | The Coimbra Institute for Clinical and Biomedical Research shares why it's important to communicate about animal research

Portugal | IGC | Instituto Gulbenkian de Ciência shares its animal facilities for #BOARD21

Spain | Binaex | Binaex shares a video highlighting the importance of communicate about the use of animals in research in Spain

Spain | Oviedo University | Interview with Teresa Sánchez Álvarez of University of Oviedo about the use of animals in research

Spain | SEBBM | Video containing interventions by 39 researchers from 27 Spanish scientific institutions explaining the use of animals in their studies

Spain | SERIDA | Enrique Gómez, Head of the Genetics and Animal Reproduction Area of SERIDA

Spain | University of Barcelona | Researchers at University of Barcelona share how animal research has contributed to the progress of medicine in recent decades

​The Netherlands | Maastricht University | Jos Prickaerts, Board Member at the Faculty of Health, Medicine and Life Sciences, and Andreas Teubner, Head Central Animal Facility explain why animal testing is necessary.

USA | SNPRC | Learn about the Southwest National Primate Center and how the staff provides excellent care toward the health and welfare of its animals

Table: List of Instagram Live Sessions in different national languages.

Poland | EARA Twitter Ambassador, Aleksandra Bartelik, speaks to Karolina Noworyta about animal research and proactive communications (Polish)

Greece | EARA Twitter Ambassador, Georgios Petrellis, speaks to Anastasia Tsingotjidou about animal research and proactive communications (Greek)

​The Netherlands | EARA Twitter Ambassador, Monique Havermans, speaks to Babs Verstrepen about animal research and proactive communications (Dutch)

Portugal | EARA Twitter Ambassador, Inês Serranho, speaks Dr Paula Canas about animal research and proactive communications (Portuguese)

​Belgium | EARA Twitter Ambassador, Liesbeth Aerts, speaks to Charlotte Scott about animal research and proactive communications (English)


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