The fourth edition of Be Open About Animal Research Day (#BOARD24) took place on 3 May, during the Understanding Animal Research Openness in Animal Research conference, at the University of Warwick, UK. To celebrate the day, institutions, researchers and lab staff around the world produced videos where they spoke about the animal research they carry out (1.) and personally about the need to talk openly with the public about animal research (2.)
Here are the videos published on social media, where individuals and institutions talk about the importance of animal research and being open (listed by country/institution or individual).
Europe | European Brain Council | The continued necessity of animal research for treating brain diseases |
Belgium | KU Leuven | The role of killifish in ageing research |
France | Regional ethical committee of Normandy (CENOMEXA) | A board game to address public concerns about animal research |
Germany | Roman Stilling | Celebrating #BOARD24 & openness at the Understanding Animal Research conference |
Ireland | Royal College of Surgeons | The top 10 medical innovations thanks to research in mice in Ireland |
Netherlands | Netherlands Cancer Institute | Researchers share their thoughts on animal research |
Portugal | Center for Neuroscience and Cell Biology (CNC) at the University of Coimbra | Cristina Márquez explains the need to speak to the public about animal research |
Portugal | Coimbra Institute for Clinical and Biomedical Research (iCBR) | Animal research at iCBR |
Portugal | NOVA Medical School | Ana Isabel Santos | The work of EARA in fostering openness in animal research |
Spain | Complutense University of Madrid | The importance of speaking about animal research |
Switzerland | EPFL | The life of an animal caretaker at EPFL |
Switzerland | ETH Zurich | Why animal testing cannot be completely replaced |
Switzerland | Università della Svizzera italiana | Research animals and why? |
UK | The Francis Crick Institute | Zebrafish & organ development research |
UK | Understanding Animal Research | The success of #BOARD24 & the openness conference with Hannah Hobson |
UK | University of Liverpool | A brief tail of animal research in the UK |
USA | Cindy Buckmaster | Celebrating #BOARD24 & openness at the Understanding Animal Research conference |
Here are the Q&A videos (listed by country/institution/individual):
Belgium | ATLAS Neuroengineering | Ivânia Trêpo |
Belgium | University of Liège | Georgios Petrellis |
Germany | University of Freiburg | Monique Havermans |
Italy | University of Cagliari | Nicola Simola |
Netherlands | Biomedical Primate Research Centre | Magdalena Lorenowicz |
Philippines | Philippine Association for Laboratory Animal Science | Rodel Jonathan S. Vitor II & Cherry P. Fernandez-Colorado |
Poland | University of Wrocław | Marta Migocka-Patrzałek & Magda Dubińska-Magiera |
Portugal | University of Beria Interior | Inês Serrenho |
Portugal | Fala-me Neuro | Rui Rodrigues, Raquel Boia & Daniela Costa |
Portugal | ICVS University of Minho | Susana Santos |
Spain | University of the Balearic Islands | Manuel Jiménez |
Spain | National Center for Biotechnology (CNB) |
Spain | Science and Applied Biomedical Experimental Research (CREBA) | Lola García Olmo |
Spain | Medical Research Institute Hospital La Fe (IIS La Fe) | Viviana Bisbal |
Spain | Spanish Society for Laboratory Animal Sciences (SECAL) | Angel Naranjo |
Spain | SECAL | Alberto Pastor Campos |
Spain | SECAL | Cristina Verdu |
Spain | SECAL | Elena Tapia |
Spain | SECAL | Francisca Gómez Marín |
Spain | SECAL | Nahúm Ayala |
Spain | SECAL | Pablo Gonzalez |
Spain | SECAL | Sergio Salazar |
Spain | SECAL | Yolanda Miralles |