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Be Open About Animal Research Day 2024 (#BOARD24): Case studies

The fourth edition of Be Open About Animal Research Day (#BOARD24) took place on 3 May, during the Understanding Animal Research Openness in Animal Research conference, at the University of Warwick. Institutions, researchers and lab staff across the world supported the campaign, including sharing case studies that highlighted the importance of being open and transparent to the general public about the use of animals in research.

Here are a list of the case studies that were published on social media by institutions during the day:

Europe | EARA | #BOARD24 workshop at Understanding Animal Research Openness in Animal Research conference

During this workshop on #BOARD24, Gege Li, EARA senior science communications & social media officer, and Inês Serrenho, EARA ambassador for Portugal, shared tips and guidance on how to use social media to communicate about animal research. Workshop attendees then had the chance to produce their own statements for #BOARD24 (see below), which were shared on the day of the campaign.

Europe | European Brain Council | Pledge for Science: Brain Research & Innovation in the EU

Europe | European Brain Council | No Health Without Brain Health

Europe | INFRAFRONTIER | Promoting sustainability & reproducibility in animal research

Belgium | University of Antwerp | Virtual lecture: Dignity in Animal Experimentation

This lecture provided an overview of the legal framework of animal research in the EU and reflected on the way in which moral theories are reflected therein.

Belgium | Belgian Transparency Agreement | The progress of the TA at the Understanding Animal Research openness conference, with EARA ambassador Elisabeth Herrero.

Elisabeth, of Sanofi Belgium, presented the latest developments of the TA in Belgium, including approaches to motivate new signatories to be more open.

Belgium | Belgian Transparency Agreement | The formation of the TA in Belgium

Belgium | KU Leuven | Podcast episode of 'Pioneers of Science', on the history, science & ethics of the mouse as a lab animal

Belgium | KU Leuven | Statement for #BOARD24 & environmental enrichment

Belgium | University of Mons | Updated webpage on animal welfare, animal ethics & training

Belgium | Orsi Academy | Animal welfare included in Belgian Constitution

Belgium | VIB | René Custers statement on the need for animal research

Canada | Trent University | Event: What is good enrichment for animals in captivity?

France | University of Caen Normandie | A board game based on Trivial Pursuit to address public misconceptions about animal research

This board game, created for the public by the Normandy Ethics Committee on Animal Research (CENOMEXA), addresses diverse categories of questions about animal research, including regulation, experimental procedures and common beliefs.

France | Charles River Laboratories | Internal events: How to talk about your job in animal research workshop; webinar on compassion fatigue

Finland | University of Helsinki | Why researchers do preclinical research

Denmark | Ellegaard Göttingen Minipigs | Minipigs in biomedical research

Germany | 3R-Competence Network North Rhine-Westphalia | 3Rs programme for high school students

Germany | Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin | Reviving weakened hearts – pig study

Germany | Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin | 2023 animal use statistics

Germany | Ilot-Projects GmbH | iMouse tool to improve the study of animal behaviour

Germany | Max Delbrück Center | Thread: Research findings that would not be possible without animals

Germany | Max Planck Institute for Infection Biology | Animal research for infectious diseases

Germany | Tierversuche verstehen | 'Compass on animal experiments' brochure for animal use statistics in Germany

Germany | University Hospital Jena | 2023 animal use statistics

Germany | University Hospital Jena | Statement on transparency & responsibility animal research on for the World Day of Laboratory Animals

Italy | Research4Life | Feature: The language used to communicate animal research

Netherlands | Donders Institute | Article: Visit to the Donders animal facility

Netherlands | Dutch Transparency Agreement | 2023 annual report

Netherlands | Dutch Transparency Agreement | The progress of the TA at the Understanding Animal Research openness conference, with EARA ambassador Monique Havermans.

Monique, of the University of Freiburg, Germany, discussed the challenges of being open about animal research in the Netherlands and recent developments that threaten the application of the 3Rs, particularly reduction and refinement.

Netherlands | Wageningen University & Research | Yearly update on animal research

Portugal | Andreia Pinho | Article: Why researchers should explain the misconceptions of animal research

Portugal | University of Beira Interior | Why do we work with laboratory animals in biomedical research?

Portugal | Champalimaud Foundation | Staff testimonials about the need for animal research & speaking openly

Portugal | i3S Porto | Pain assessment in laboratory animals

Portugal | Instituto Gulbenkian de Ciência | The role of veterinarians at IGC

Portugal | University of Lisbon | Understanding the adjustment of wild animals to laboratory conditions

Portugal | Portuguese Transparency Agreement | The progress of the TA at the Understanding Animal Research openness conference, with EARA Board chair Ana Isabel Santos.

Ana, of NOVA Medical School, Portugal, spoke about how the TA in Portugal was set up and the progress made since its launch in 2018.

Portugal | Science Wave | The journey to starting an animal research project

Portugal | Sea4Us | Workshop: How rats are used in behavioural studies and participant testimonials

Spain | Barcelona Biomedical Research Park (PRBB) | Thread: PRBB articles on animal research

Spain | Science and Applied Biomedical Experimental Research (CREBA) | Virtual tour of CREBA facilities

Spain | Spanish Transparency Agreement | The progress of the TA at the Understanding Animal Research openness conference, with EARA Board member Javier Gullien.

Javier, of AAALAC International, gave examples of the strides towards openness taken by signatories of the TA in Spain through publishing animal research content on their institutional websites.

Switzerland | EPFL | 2022 animal use statistics

Switzerland | University of Zurich | Improving drug delivery for mice – study

Switzerland | University of Zurich | Information booth at Swiss Science & Nature Festival (upcoming)

UK | The Babraham Institute | The need for animal research – webpage

UK | Datesand | Animal welfare & the 3Rs

UK | The Institute of Cancer Research | Thread: Animals in cancer research

UK | The Learning Curve Development | Engaging & educating about animal research

UK | Understanding Animal Research | How Concordat signatories are being more open about animal research

UK | University of Manchester | Manchester animal research debate – sound clips

UK | Mary Lyon Centre at MRC Harwell | Light conditions standardisation for animal welfare

USA | Allentown, LLC | Celebrating #BOARD24

USA | Biomedical Research Awareness Day | What happened for BRAD 2024

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