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Film highlights the need for monkeys in brain research

EARA member the Ernst Strüngmann Institute (ESI) for Neuroscience, Germany, has released a documentary film highlighting the essential importance of marmosets to brain research.

The video features several ESI researchers who openly discuss how and why they use monkeys in their studies, including Dr Jean Laurens, whose lab investigates the brain pathways involved in movement.

The film also demonstrates how the marmosets are housed, cared for and trained at ESI, by inviting viewers into its animal facilities and laboratories.

“For me, what really matters is that we are making a difference, and also I’m always every day trying to make [the animals’] life the best that they can have,” said Francesca Lanzarini, a postdoc in Dr Laurens’ lab.

The documentary was made by film students Nathalie Linke and Manuel Schmitt, of Darmstadt University of Applied Sciences.

Nathalie said: “Especially when it comes to animal research, I noticed that a lot of people have strong opinions even though they know shockingly little about the subject…"

With this documentary, I want to show why no one is in favour of animal testing and yet it is still our best option.”


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