The latest in the series of EARA science communications events, supported by the Federation of European Neuroscience Societies (FENS) and the Society for Neuroscience (SfN), will take place in Alicante, Spain, on 1 October.

Improving Openness in Animal Research in Spain is a free event (register here) and will focus on why scientists, researchers, press officers and other stakeholders should talk openly about animal research, but will not be a debate about the ethics of animal experimentation.
It will take place on the Monday, 1 October, (14:30 – 18:00 CEST) at the Instituto de Neurociencias de Alicante (CSIC-UMH), and is a public event, although it will be of particular interest to those working in the life sciences sector.
Following the presentations, moderated by Cristina Márquez, Neuroscientist, of CSIC-UMH, there will be a panel discussion followed by a drinks reception.
Speakers: Kirk Leech, Executive Director, European Animal Research Association
Kirk is Executive Director of EARA, a communications and advocacy organisation whose mission is to uphold the interests of biomedical, and other life sciences, research and healthcare development across Europe. Previously Kirk worked for the Association of the British Pharmaceutical Industry and Understanding Animal Research, the UK’s leading advocacy group on the use of animals in medical research.
Dr. Carmen AgustÃn, Neuroscientist, University of Valencia
BSc in Biology and PhD in Neuroscience. Lecturer at Dept Cell and Functional Biology & Physical Antropology (Universitat de València). Researcher at Functional Neuroanatomy Lab (Universitat Jaume I de Castelló & Universitat de València). Her research is focused in neurobiology of socio-sexual and parental behaviour, olfactory system, and murine models of neurological disease. Since 2012 she has been actively engaged in science communication, as a blogger, speaker and in different media such as TV, radio and Twitter. She will speak about her experience in communicating animal research to the public.
Daniel Mediavilla, Journalist, El PaÃs
Daniel Mediavilla holds a degree in Audiovisual Communication from the University of Navarra and is one of the founders of Materia, the science and technology news website. For five years he has been a science journalist for El PaÃs . Previously, Daniel worked as advisor to the Secretary of State for Research, Felipe Pétriz, in the Ministry of Science and Innovation, and as a journalist for the science section of ABC and Público.
Professor Juan Lerma, Neuroscientist and editor-in-chief of Neuroscience, and CSIC-UMH
Juan Lerma is Professor at the Spanish Research Council (CSIC) and the Editor-in-Chief of Neuroscience. He chaired the Animal Research Committee of COSCE that established the Transparency Agreement on the Use of Animals in Research. Previously, he has been Director of the Instituto de Neurociencias (CSIC-UMH) (2007-2016), Chair of the PanEuropean Regional Committee of the International Brain Research Organization (IBRO), and Secretary General of FENS.
Last updated on 11/10/19