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German researchers raise concerns on latest animal use statistics

Newly published statistics on the use of animals in research for 2023 in Germany show both a significant short and long-term decline in animal numbers.

The total number of animals used was 1,456,562, a drop of 16% from 2022 (1,725,855), and in comparison to pre-Covid (2019) figures the total number has fallen by more than a quarter (27%).

In its press release TVV, the German animal research advocacy organisation, noted that the efforts to reduce animal testing are clearly bearing fruit, but the rate of decline could not be attributed solely to the increased replacement of animal testing. Rather, it also reflects the increasingly difficult conditions for research in Germany.

Stefan Treue, spokesperson for TVV, said: "We are seeing increasing frustration among researchers. They are suffering from delays caused by excessive bureaucracy and legal uncertainty, without any gain in animal protection.

"Biomedical research institutions are reporting increasing difficulties in initiating international co-operation projects or in recruiting young scientists in view of lengthy approval procedures." 

Thomas Korff, spokesperson for the animal testing working group at EARA member VBIO, the largest association of life science professional societies in Germany, added: "We see problems nationwide that make animal experimentation unattractive in Germany."

He said that experimental projects are preceded by time-consuming and complex application procedures and that he himself has already had foreign service providers carry out parts of his research using animals.

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