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Improving openness in animal research in Germany – watch the videos

The Federation of European Neuroscience Societies (FENS) together with the Society for Neuroscience (SfN), last year kindly agreed to support an initiative by the European Animal Research Association (EARA) to raise awareness on the need for greater openness and transparency in communication about the use of animals in research among the neuroscience community in Germany.

The first of three events entitled Improving Openness in Animal Research in Germany, was held at the Max Delbrück Center, Berlin, (MDC) on Thursday, 12 July, 2018, and each of the four speaker’s presentations, plus the panel discussion afterwards was filmed and is featured below.

EARA devised the events with the aim of helping researchers and institutions that wished to be more open about the animal research they carry out. The intention was not to debate the ethics of animal research, but rather to invite a variety of speakers (researchers, policy, media) to make the argument for the need for greater openness in communication about animal research.

About the speakers

The four main speakers in Berlin were:

  • Kirk Leech, EARA Executive Director

  • Dr. Andreas Lengeling, Animal Research & Welfare Officer, at the Max Planck Society (MPS)

  • Volker Stollorz, CEO of the Science Media Center, Germany

  • Dr.Thomas Kammertöns, Institute of Immunology, Charité University Medical Centre, Berlin

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