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Phase-out of European animal research is ‘unrealistic’

Updated: Apr 18, 2023

The European Brain Council (EBC) has published a statement in support of the importance of using animals in research studies.

The statement, launched in Brain Awareness Week, is in response to the European Citizens’ Initiative petition (ECI), currently being considered by the European Commission.

In its statement, the EBC said that the ECI demand for a fixed deadline for phasing out animal experiments in the EU was ‘arbitrary and unrealistic’.

The EBC added: ‘In the absence of scientifically valid methods that can replace particular animal procedures, phasing out the use of animals in medical research would have major consequences and impact the quest to improve the quality of life of the many citizens affected by brain conditions, neurological and mental alike’.

There are three parts to the ECI petition – the first two call for an end to the current legal requirement to use animal testing to protect industry workers and the environment from potentially toxic chemicals in cosmetics and other products.

The third part calls for ‘a legislative proposal plotting a roadmap to phase out all animal testing in the EU before the end of the current legislative term’ – echoing the vote by the European Parliament in 2021.

The EBC promotes brain research, with members including scientific societies, patient organisations, professional societies and industry partners.



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