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News from EARA
This page contains all the news outputs from EARA, including press releases and videos, EARA policy and news briefings, plus opinion pieces and significant media articles.
Other pages in this section explain more about EARA on social media and practical information for journalists.
Bob Tolliday
Feb 28, 20192 min read
EARA pinpoints potential problems for transport of animals in a no-deal Brexit
EARA has highlighted the issues that could affect the efficient transportation of animals and animal related products used for research...
Bob Tolliday
Jan 10, 20191 min read
Germany statistics on 2017 animal use released
The total number of animals used in research in 2017 in Germany was 2.8 million, a similar level to 2015 and 2016, the latest figures...
Bob Tolliday
Jan 8, 20191 min read
Statement: European Directive 2010/63/EU on the protection of animals used for scientific purposes
Given the importance of animal research in science and scientific developments, a coalition of leading research funders, research...
Bob Tolliday
Jan 8, 20192 min read
Great Britain’s biomedical research statistics for 2017 indicate fewer animals used for second conse
The latest figures released by the Home Office show a decrease in the overall use of animals in biomedical research in Great Britain’s...
Bob Tolliday
Jan 8, 20193 min read
Germany sees 7% rise in animal research procedures in 2016
Germany’s Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture (Bundesministerium für Ernährung und Landwirtschaft) has produced its 2016 annual...
Bob Tolliday
Jan 8, 20193 min read
The case for proactive communications of animal statistics
Every year the United Kingdom’s Home Office (the UK ministerial department of internal affairs) publishes its statistics on animals used...
Bob Tolliday
Jan 8, 20194 min read
The wild card of animal rights’ groups: Freedom of Information requests
EARA and Understanding Animal Research, one of our UK partners, promote the importance of universities and other research institutions...
Bob Tolliday
Jan 8, 20192 min read
Dutch animal research statistics: 18% more procedures than in 2013
The Netherlands Food and Consumer Product Safety Authority (Nederlandse Voedsel- en Warenautoriteit, NVWA) published Zo doende 2014, its...
Bob Tolliday
Jan 8, 20192 min read
Commission announces infringement procedure against restrictive Italian animal research law
The European Commission has announced the start of an infringement procedure against Italy, whose animal research law it calls ‘too...
Bob Tolliday
Jan 8, 20192 min read
European scientific community welcomes EU review of the Directive for the protection of animals used
The European scientific community supports the view of the EU Commission, that the Directive on the protection of animals used in...
Bob Tolliday
Jan 8, 20191 min read
EARA voices concerns to UK Parliament on implications of no-deal Brexit
EARA’s Brexit Taskforce has made a submission to the UK Parliament Health and Social Care Committee inquiry concerning the animal science...
Bob Tolliday
Jan 8, 20191 min read
EARA Brexit briefing published
EARA Brexit Taskforce Briefing on the potential implications for animal science in the UK and EU stemming from Brexit EARA has brought...
Bob Tolliday
Nov 15, 20182 min read
EU Directive ‘cannot be implemented in isolation’ Brussels roundtable agrees
At a roundtable discussion on the use of animals in scientific research there is overwhelming agreement that Europe has appropriate and...
Bob Tolliday
Nov 15, 20182 min read
Scientists in Europe must take more responsibility for openness, says EARA executive director
Openness and transparency surrounding the use of animals in research is ‘still an Achilles Heel’ for the biomedical sector, a roundtable...
Bob Tolliday
Nov 15, 20183 min read
Supporting excellent biomedical science in Europe
The first FEAM European Biomedical Policy Forum annual lecture took place in Brussels, in March, dedicated to the topic Biomedical and...
Bob Tolliday
Oct 5, 20181 min read
Italian convictions prompt calls for greater openness
Three Italian animal rights activists convicted of raiding the University of Milan animal labs have received a harsher sentence from the...
Bob Tolliday
Jan 29, 20181 min read
EARA advises CITES working group
EARA is urging all CITES participant countries, where substantial biomedical research takes place, to make a small investment now to...
Bob Tolliday
Nov 14, 20171 min read
‘Stop Vivisection’ petition unsuccessful
We welcome the response of the European Commission to the European Citizens’ Initiative Stop Vivisection petition reiterating its support...
Bob Tolliday
Jul 5, 20176 min read
Recommendations on the report of the European Commission Scientific Conference ‘Non-Animal Approache
The European Commission published in April 2017 the report of the conference ‘Non-Animal Approaches – The way forward’ that they...
Bob Tolliday
Jan 5, 20171 min read
UK Annual Statistics of Scientific Procedures on Living Animals, 2014
London, 22 October 2015 The Home Office, the UK Government department for Internal Affairs, has today released the annual statistics on...
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