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News from EARA
This page contains all the news outputs from EARA, including press releases and videos, EARA policy and news briefings, plus opinion pieces and significant media articles.
Other pages in this section explain more about EARA on social media and practical information for journalists.

The European Animal Research Association
Sep 11, 202311 min read
500 biomedical institutions in Europe have signed a National Transparency Agreement
The need to foster open and transparent communication with the general public, about the benefits to society of using animals in...

Gege Li
Sep 4, 20231 min read
Arthritis treatment gives hope for human cure
A treatment for osteoarthritis, which has been successful in dogs and horses, is being tried on a zoo gorilla as a potential treatment...

Gege Li
Aug 29, 20231 min read
Shedding light on dementia using mice
Researchers have found how high blood pressure changes the brain’s arteries, paving the way to develop a possible first treatment for one...

Gege Li
Aug 21, 20231 min read
Zebrafish & eye development
New zebrafish research by EARA member institutions has shed light on how eyes are formed, in turn providing key insights into...

Gege Li
Jul 31, 20231 min read
Tonsil organoid wins 3Rs prize
A non-animal method to study respiratory infection and immunity has been awarded the International 3Rs Prize by the UK National Centre...

Gege Li
Jul 17, 20231 min read
The link between blood cancer and ageing
Using mice, scientists have uncovered how accelerated ageing in blood cells can lead to an increased risk of blood cancer. Ageing is a...

Bob Tolliday
Jul 17, 20231 min read
Why monkeys are used in research – video
Two new pieces of public information on the importance of using monkeys and other animals in neuroscience research have been published...

Bob Tolliday
Jul 10, 20231 min read
Zebrafish insights into rare disease linked to cancer
UK researchers have discovered a potential treatment for a rare genetic bone marrow disorder linked to blood cancers. GATA2 deficiency is...

Gege Li
Jul 3, 20231 min read
Dogs & cats for Alzheimer’s studies
Pet dogs and cats may be better models for Alzheimer’s research than the animals currently used, according to a new article. Researchers...

Gege Li
Jun 19, 20231 min read
Animal & cartilage study for osteoarthritis
UK researchers are planning new drug treatments after identifying a protein that appears to reduce the damage of a common joint disorder....

Gege Li
May 22, 20231 min read
Organoids & chip alternatives developed
Two recent studies have shown progress in the search for non-animal alternatives to research into blood clotting and the heart. In what...

Gege Li
May 9, 20231 min read
Human trial for Zika vaccine
A new Zika vaccine has entered clinical trials in the UK, after the drug showed promising results in studies in animals. Researchers at...

Gege Li
May 9, 20231 min read
HIV studies in animals show progress
A team at Scripps Research, California, USA, has developed a vaccine for HIV (a virus that can lead to AIDS if left untreated) which...

Bob Tolliday
Apr 23, 20234 min read
Feature: How animal studies contributed to biomedical breakthroughs in 2022
Ahead of this year’s Be Open About Animal Research Day (#BOARD23), on 15 June, which highlights how the biomedical research community...

Gege Li
Mar 27, 20231 min read
Brain Prize & animal studies
This year’s prestigious Brain Prize has gone to three neuroscientists, who have all used animal research in their pioneering discoveries....

Gege Li
Mar 13, 20231 min read
Alpaca antibodies protect crops
Crops can be made resistant to disease by giving them antibodies derived from alpacas. Researchers at the University of East Anglia, UK,...

Gege Li
Mar 6, 20231 min read
Blocking brain diseases in fruit flies
The death of nerve cells in the brain, common in motor neuron disease (MND) and dementia (FTD), can be blocked by feeding fruit flies a...

Gege Li
Feb 6, 20231 min read
Clues to ageing hearts in animal studies
A mutated gene, found in some people over the age of 100, can ‘rewind’ the biological clock of a mouse’s heart by a decade. The research,...

Gege Li
Jan 30, 20231 min read
Human throat cells & cancer in mice
A mutation in the throat cells of middle-aged people appears to reduce cancer of the oesophagus in mice, according to new research. A...

Gege Li
Jan 9, 20231 min read
Feature on research animals – mice
EARA has published a feature article outlining how and why mice are used in scientific research, and the main areas that involve these...
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