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Be Open About Animal Research Day 2023: Case studies

The third edition of Be Open About Animal Research Day (#BOARD23) took place on 15 June. Institutions across the world supported the campaign, including sharing case studies that highlighted the importance of being open and transparent to the general public about the use of animals in research.

Here are a list of the case studies that were published on social media by institutions during the day:

Europe | AnimalhealthEurope | Our 3Rs commitment

Europe | Charles River | Signatory of European Transparency Agreements

Europe | European Brain Council | Animal research statement

Europe | FENS | Webinar on communicating about animals in brain research

Europe | INFRAFRONTIER | Open communication of mouse and rat models

Belgium | Orsi Academy | Open day for staff and loved ones

Belgium | VIB | Animals in neuroscience research

France | GIRCOR | Gircor publication highlights

Germany | Max Delbrück Centre | Researchers explain why we cannot yet avoid animal testing

Germany | Max Planck Institute for Infection Biology | Booth on model organisms at 'Long Night of the Sciences' event

Germany | Max Planck Institute for Multidisciplinary Sciences | Research projects involving laboratory animals

Netherlands | Donders Institute at Radboud UMC | Researcher selfies in the lab on the day of #BOARD23

Netherlands | Maastricht University | Why are animals used in research?

​Netherlands | Wageningen University & Research | The use of organoids to reduce animal testing

Poland | University of Wrocław | Zebrafish lecture

Portugal | i3S Porto | The 3Rs of animal experimentation

Slovenia | Society for Laboratory Animals of Slovenia (SLAS) | #BOARD23 presentation at SLAS 2023

Spain | Barcelona Biomedical Research Park | Animal research activity for high school students

Switzerland | EPFL | Animal use at EPFL in 2021

Switzerland | EPFL | Open Day event

Switzerland | SAVIR | National Laboratory Animal Day

Switzerland | University of Zurich | Guided tours of animal facilities

UK | Babraham Institute | Babraham supports #BOARD23

​UK | Babraham Institute | Treating neuroinflammation using mouse models

UK | Babraham Institute | UAR Instagram takeover

UK | University of Cambridge | Device to treat paralysis in rats

UK | The Learning Curve | Responsibility, truthfulness and accuracy, and education in animal research; The importance of communicating the use of animals in research

UK | University of Manchester | Interactive infographic on animal enrichment and welfare

UK | Understanding Animal Research | Concordat on Openness in Animal Research

USA | Foundation for Biomedical Research | Animal research saves lives

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