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Brain research prizes & animal studies

Hamsters, flies and mice are among the animals that have been central to discoveries in research at this year’s Society for Neuroscience (SfN) Early Career Awards.

The awards went to six researchers, all from US universities, and were presented at the SfN annual conference, which took place last week.

Jenny Lu, of Harvard Medical School, Massachusetts, studied flies on a treadmill to identify a mechanism for how the brain co-ordinates navigational information.

Lyle Kingsbury, at UCLA, California, found he could predict the outcomes of social interactions between pairs of mice by looking at how their brains synchronise.

The other winners were Linnaea Ostroff, at the University of Connecticut; Marianna Zazhytska at Columbia University; New York; Manuel Valero at NYU Langone Medical Center and Michael Yartsev at the University of California, Berkeley.


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