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#TransparencyThursday on Instagram

A leading scientist will answer questions on EARA’s Instagram account this Thursday about their research using animals, in a new video feature.

As institutions seek to become more open and transparent about their work, the Q&A initiative, EARA’s #TransparencyThursday will allow the public the chance to find out why it is necessary to use animals.

Our first guest will be Salomé Pinho, group leader of the Immunology, Cancer Glycomedicine group at the Institute for Research & Innovation in Health (i3s), Portugal, whose work focuses on cancer and chronic inflammatory conditions.

“Animal experimentation is an important component of my research in my lab, and therefore I’m particularity sensitive to animal welfare and wellbeing issues. On Thursday, I will be answering your questions concerning animals as essential pre-clinic models before a first human clinical trial,” she said.

The chance to ask questions on Instagram is still available until 1h00 pm today.

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