The European Animal Research Association has put together an interactive map to display the biomedical research currently underway across the world to find a cure for coronavirus.
In Spain, mice, pigs, chickens, hamsters and ferrets are the animal models used to better understand Covid-19.
Basic Research

National Center for Biotechnology (CNB) - Testing of vaccine candidate
IrsiCaixa - Virus isolation, in vitro testing, and animal model development
Institute of Agrifood Research and Technology (IRTA) - Virus isolation, in vitro testing, and animal model development
University of the Balearic Islands - Complete ferret genome DNA chip licenced for use on developing Covid-19 vaccine
Drug Development & Vaccines

University of Oviedo - First test passed: 3D printed respirator works on pigs
Fight AIDS and Infectious Diseases Foundation - Trial of a possible COVID19 prophylactic treatment
Malaga Biomedical Research Institute (IBIMA) - Prototype respirator developed
National Center for Oncological Research (CNIO) - Creating humanised mice as preclinical models to investigate new drugs against Covid-19
Spanish National Research Council (CSIC) - Developing a vaccine using animal studies
INTA - Instituto Nacional de Técnica Aeroespacial - Providing equipment and experities including antibodies and serum from laboratory animals
IRTA-CReSA - Developing animal models for vaccine & drug trials
IrsiCaixa - Testing Caovid-19 vaccines in animal models
Comparative Medicine and Bioimage Centre - Validation of new respirator prototypes
EARA has used the World Health Organisation's recorded list of studies and has also received information from many other institutions after it sent out an appeal to its membership and stakeholders.
If you are aware of research not identified on this map, please contact