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News from EARA
This page contains all the news outputs from EARA, including press releases and videos, EARA policy and news briefings, plus opinion pieces and significant media articles.
Other pages in this section explain more about EARA on social media and practical information for journalists.

Ana Barros
Jan 31, 20221 min read
EARA global membership
EARA has welcomed three new organisations this month to its membership and also begun a new phase in its progress. EARA is now accepting...

Ana Barros
Jan 31, 20221 min read
Regrowing frog limbs
US scientists have regrown the legs of frogs after a brief drug treatment, marking a significant advance for regenerative medicine. The...

Ana Barros
Jan 24, 20221 min read
Cystic fibrosis & mice studies
A team at La Jolla Institute for Immunology, California, US, has found a new way to improve survival of mice with cystic fibrosis (CF), a...

Ana Barros
Jan 17, 20221 min read
Pig-to-human heart transplants
News about the first pig-to-human heart transplant has made headlines across the world, including discussion about the ethics of such a...

Ana Barros
Jan 10, 20221 min read
Nanoparticles to deliver drugs
A new tool, developed by US researchers, could help to measure how effectively nanoparticles can deliver drugs to a patient’s cells....

Ana Barros
Jan 3, 20221 min read
Nasal Covid-19 vaccines
Scientists from the Yale School of Medicine, USA, have found that nasal vaccines could potentially provide better protection against new...

Ana Barros
Dec 27, 20211 min read
Researchers on Instagram in 2021
This year on EARA Intagram, we saw more scientists than ever, coming forward publicly to answer questions about their research using...

Ana Barros
Dec 21, 20211 min read
Treating heart failure
Researchers in Germany have found a way to improve the treatment of heart failure, using a combination of animal studies and new approach...

Ana Barros
Dec 21, 20211 min read
Reproducibility issue in cancer biology
An eight-year study by researchers in the US has found that fewer than half of the most influential cancer biology experiments of the...

Ana Barros
Dec 6, 20211 min read
Lyme disease vaccine
Scientists at Yale University School of Medicine, USA, have developed a vaccine against Lyme disease, based on the same technology used...

Ana Barros
Dec 6, 20211 min read
Two new potential therapies to fight HIV have been welcomed as World AIDS Day was marked last week. Researchers at Temple University,...

Ana Barros
Nov 15, 20211 min read
3Rs awards
Prizes which recognised three innovations, that reduce the need for animals in research, have been won by scientists from China, the UK...

Ana Barros
Nov 8, 20211 min read
Therapy for a rare condition in children
After 30 years of research, a therapy has been approved to treat a rare condition that leaves children susceptible to seemingly harmless...

Ana Barros
Oct 25, 20211 min read
New #TransparencyThursday
A leading scientist on anxiety disorders, will be answering questions about her research using animals as part of EARA’s...

Bob Tolliday
Oct 25, 20211 min read
Pig kidney transplant
US doctors have successfully transplanted a kidney from a pig to a human, without triggering rejection. The surgery was the first...

Ana Barros
Oct 18, 20211 min read
Animal use and Covid-19 research
Researchers have highlighted the critical role that animals played in Covid-19 research in Germany. The team at the German Centre for the...

Ana Barros
Oct 11, 20211 min read
Nobel Prize and mice studies
Research with mice to understand the sensations of heat and touch has been recognised in this year’s Nobel Prize in Physiology or...

Ana Barros
Oct 4, 20211 min read
Awards recognise animal research
The role of animals in research has been recognised by one of the most prestigious US medicine awards. This year’s Albert Lasker Basic...

Ana Barros
Sep 20, 20211 min read
Fighting cancer with Covid technology
Recent studies have shown that vaccine technology used for Covid-19 has been effective in halting the growth of cancerous tumours in...

Ana Barros
Sep 20, 20211 min read
EARA marks awareness day with Lab Rat Chat interview
Marking this week’s Biomedical Research Awareness Day (BRAD2021), EARA has interviewed Jeff Marshall, co-host of the Lab Rat Chat...
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